How to Beat the Winter Blues

Beat the winter blues this festive period 

Many sufferers of the ‘winter blues’ greet winter with a sense of dread.

Whether you suffer from the depressive episodes of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or are simply feeling low, the idea of getting out of a warm bed in the morning into the freezing cold can become more and more challenging.  With low temperatures, short days and high stresses; such as bills, presents to buy, parties to organise; it may seem like there’s not much you can do.

However, there are proven steps you can take to improve your mood over winter:

Get Outside 

It’s very tempting in the cold weather to stay inside and use the car or public transport instead of walking. But getting out the house and into the fresh air is good for your mind. Any excuse for fresh air and a walk is a good one, whether it’s walking to the shops instead of taking the bus or parking the car a little further away from work than normal.

Stay warm  

That said, there’s nothing better than a cozy house to come back to when it’s -1 outside! According to research, keeping warm can reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety. So make sure your house is comfortably warm.

Also, when your out and about make sure you are wrapped up. As a Health Rewards customer you could also use your weekly Starbucks to keep to nice and warm when out doing your Christmas shopping.  
starbucks red cups


Eat Healthy 

It’s the time of the year when many people’s healthy diets can go out the window. Whilst it’s nice to indulge in Christmas treats, try to eat as well as possible over the winter to keep you both mentally and physically healthy.

  • Avoid refined sugar and processed carbs: People with SAD often experience craving for sugary products and high carb foods. Try to eat fresh fruit and veg instead to quell your cravings.
  • Eat serotonin boosting foods: Dark chocolate and bananas are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which can boost your serotonin levels. Serotonin is very important for the regulation of mood and sleep in your body. Another source is, conveniently, turkey! A Happy Christmas then…
  • Eat Omega 3 rich foods: Great source are wild fish, seafood and free range eggs. Omega 3 has been proven in trials to reduce mood swings in people with depression

Get enough light 

Getting up early and getting out in the cold winter morning sun might not seem very appealing, but readjusting your sleep pattern to the winter daylight hours may help with your mood by increasing your vitamin D levels and fixing your circadian rhythm.

If you feel very low you might want to consider light therapy treatment which uses lights designed to mimic sunlight to artificially increase daylight hours. This helps to replace lost sunlight exposure and reset your body clock.


A social life can ward off feelings of loneliness and make you feel happier. Obviously there are a lot of parties and events over Christmas and New Year, but if you are feeling low you might want to curb your alcohol consumption to avoid it’s depressive effects.

Why not earn and take advantage of your weekly cinema tickets through Health Rewards and go and see a film with friends and family. Attending the cinema is a great social activity and can improve your mental wellbeing.


The mental benefits of exercise are well documented. It has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, to boost self esteem, and to improve your sleep pattern. It may be freezing outside but if you wrap up warm you can still get the most out of exercise in winter.

If you decide it’s far too cold for you to exercise outside you could take advantage of your half price gym membership through Health Rewards!

Stay Positive 

If you take some of these tips on board, you may find yourself feeling a lot more happy than previous winters. Winter comes and goes every year, so stay positive, keep yourself active and healthy, and remember that summer isn’t that far away…..